Festive family photos for the Holiday in DC • DC family photographer mini session

Last minute mini sessions for holiday cards?


Time is running out but there is still a chance to update your family portrait this year!
Book a 5-minute session for each member of the family.

What are the Festive Family Photos?

They are painless, easy tiny sessions that capture the personality of each family members. You can even bring your furry pet if you dare, the studio is pet friendly.

The idea is to take a FUN photo of each of you and to create a collage as a final product.
You can show up in your pajamas, all in a puffer jacket, or with colorful chunk-knitt hats and scarves… the options are endless.

What will you get?

a 5-min session each
1 collage per family (high-res file to download)
quick turnaround to get your photos on time to order cards if you wish

When, Where?

Saturday, December 3

9a- 12p
In a photo studio (2nd floor), U street neighborhood in DC
Do your Holiday shopping while at it!


Reserve your slot by clicking HERE. Choose your favorite time and indicate the name of all the people (or pet!) coming in the comment section. Make sure to adjust the quantity accordingly and that you have consecutive slots.


I will send you an invoice asap. You are fully booked once you have signed and paid the invoice. Thanks for doing this quickly for everyone’s peace of mind.


On December 3, show up on time and we’ll have fun in the studio! Come with your crazy idea and I’ll be here to photograph you!


2 people —$150
3 people —$225
4 people —$260
5 people —$320
6 people —$360

(+ taxes apply)



All designs are from Paper Cuture